Entries by Mark Glucki

Is that “angel investor” actually a demon in disguise?

You’ve seen them on TV — those sharp-dressed, smooth-talking angel investors with big personalities and even bigger wallets. Sure, they’re charming and have the business chops to prove their success. But are the sharks and dragons of the world actually the right people to partner with in your next business venture? Yes, due in part […]

What are the world’s best sales reps doing right?

The world’s top sales pros are uncovering hotter leads, winning bigger deals and earning more revenue than their peers – all because of awesome new sales tactics. So what is their secret? The key is adjusting your playbook the right way — and adding three key sales techniques. According to Jonathan Lister, Vice President of […]

3 sales tactics that no longer work (Plus 3 new ones that do!)

The state of sales has completely evolved. Old sales strategies no longer work, and any salesperson using traditional tactics likely can’t compete with the modern sales leaders who’ve adopted new methods. Exactly what sales tactics aren’t working anymore, and what should we replace them with? Jonathan Lister knows a thing or two about social selling. […]

7 New-School Digital Marketing Tricks For Your SMB

We’ve shown you how you can leverage seven old-school marketing tricks for your small and medium-sized business. Of course, old-school isn’t the only way, and you can always teach a dog new tricks. Our business is all about helping other businesses get access to funding and grow. But aside from finances, part of business growth […]

Think bigger & grow your business by 10 times

What would you do differently if you had to grow your business revenue by 10 times? Would you keep doing the same thing you’re doing now? Would you maintain the same strategy? Do you think 10 times growth could be possible? Startups thrive on 10 times growth That’s exactly what was requested of Jason Silver, […]

Why Airbnb recommends you should fail often

And how to use failure as a guidepost. At a recent business conference, a young professional walked on stage to deliver the final keynote. With confidence, he stated: “Failure is the tool I use to figure out if we are really being ambitious enough.” Jason Silver was speaking about his experience working with Airbnb as […]

4 Core Business Principles You Might be Overlooking

Growing your business is possible for every industry, but if your company has hit a plateau you could benefit from a refresh in your corporate strategy. In Scaling Up, Verne Harnish gives guidance on the four simple principles that can help you become part of the four percent of top earners in the business world. These […]

Developing Your Perfect Elevator Pitch

Selling your business in 60 seconds can be a daunting task, but it’s possible. You have a short window to capture attention, generate interest and find new clients. Armed with exactly what to say and how to say it, you can go from a quick chat on the ground floor to a meeting in the […]