Focus On The Right Goals – Part 3
In Part 1 of this series, we discussed how business owners need to focus on whether a sale will result in cash received. In Part 2, we discussed how business…

Professional, We “get it”, Great Customer Service
This just in from our Client Satisfaction Survey: respondents either agreed or strongly agreed that Liquid Capital Advance is professional in its…

Solutions Provide Good Value
Here are some further results from our recent client survey: respondents believe they get good value from working with us, with the majority also stating…

Liquid Capital Advance Corp. – Client Satisfaction Survey Results
We’re pleased to announce the recent completion of our Client Satisfaction Survey. Over the next few posts, I’ll be highlighting some of the (stellar!)…

Focus On The Right Goals – Part 2
In my last post, we discussed how important it is to focus on whether the customer will pay their bill, rather than just focusing on whether the customer issued…

Focus On The Right Goals
Back when I owned the BC/Vancouver Liquid Capital office, and again now as I meet with business owners, I have often found they are not focusing on the right…

Back To The Future
In the prior blog post I highlighted my boss, friend and Liquid Capital Advance owner Jonathan Brindley, CPA, CA.
This time around I want to talk about…

Liquid Capital Advance Corp. helping businesses access funding
Nearly a dozen years ago, Jonathan Brindley, CPA, CA, the founder of Liquid Capital Advance Corp., set out to develop a factoring company. The National Post published…

Would a trade war present an opportunity?
Pundits say that investors are concerned about the possibility of a trade war. Deloitte has noted that the global economy is “decelerating sharply,”…

Five small-business trends that every company should consider
Every small-business owner is looking for an edge to set their company apart or give them better odds of success. Smaller companies are generally nimble enough to…