Factoring & Purchase Order Financing Combine To Build A Distributor’s Business
When a Canadian distributor for a European manufacturer of innovative ground screws needed funding for large orders they turned to Greg Norris at Liquid Capital…

Watch BNN Video: Funding Alternative To Hard-To-Get Bank Loans
You may be one of the many businesses all across the U.S. and Canada that have a hard time getting access to bank loans. Either you don’t have the required assets…

Southern Alberta’s Liquid Capital Corporate Solutions’ Innovative Approach, Helps Small To Medium Size Businesses Grow
COALDALE, AB (June 22, 2016) – Business owner Jim Craven today announced the opening of Liquid Capital Corporate Solutions in Coaldale, Alberta, near Lethbridge.…

BNN Interview – Factoring: An Alternative To The Banks
Factoring is popular in the U.S. and overseas, but it's not widely known in Canada. However, Robert Thompson-So, Vice-President, Chief Strategy Officer at Liquid…

7 Old-School SMB Marketing Tricks To Put Up Your Sleeve
Running a small or medium-sized business isn’t easy. One of the hardest parts is figuring out how to market and promote your company. You’re not alone.

Victoria-Based Liquid Capital West Coast Offers New Alternative Financing Solutions For Small & Medium Businesses
VICTORIA, B.C. (June 8, 2016) – Liquid Capital West Coast Financingpartners Rebekah Hutchison and Stephen Ison announced today that their firm is open for business…

3 Cash Flow Solutions To Relieve Your Business Funding Woes
“4 out of 5 businesses fail within the first 18 months!” Sound familiar?
How about, “Companies without experienced managers are more likely to crash and…

Cash In With Content Marketing
Whatever term you use — content marketing, sponsored content, or content strategy — it all comes down to giving buying audiences substantive, relevant, useful…