Entries by Jaclyn Richard

Invoice Factoring Cheat Sheet for Brokers

We’ve all heard that “Cash is King.” But when in business, especially when you’re growing, cash FLOW is king. As a financial broker, your clients cash flow problems are your cash flow problems, from managing day-to-day operations to planning for sustainable growth. While you help them navigate these waters, offering advice and innovative solutions, there’s […]

‘One size does not fit all’: How one alternative financing firm went beyond factoring

Toronto-based Liquid Capital Advance Corp. evolved into much more than a recourse factoring shop Nearly six years back, Jonathan Brindley, founder of Toronto-based Liquid Capital Advance Corp., set out to develop a factoring company. The goal was to create an entity that would provide small- and medium-sized businesses with the financial resources they needed to […]

How to make your company bankable when credit is hard to get

Compared with the United States and the United Kingdom, factoring is underdeveloped in Canada, at about US$4-billion worth, versus US$300-billion and US$600-billion, respectively. That’s a need Jonathan Brindley, founder of Toronto-based Liquid Capital Advance Corp., intends to satisfy. Click on the below Entrepreneur article to find out how.