how invoice factoring works

Refresher: What is invoice factoring and how does it work?

Invoice factoring is a type of financing available to businesses that sell to other businesses on account — invoicing clients, usually with 30, 60 or 90-day…
Global Aviation and Invoice Factoring

Global Aviation: Above and Beyond

Discover how Global Aviation leveraged invoice factoring to reach new heights of business success with the help of Liquid Capital. Short on time? Read…
Rayzor Edge Tree Services

Rayzor Edge: Clearing the way for reliable cash flow

Rayzor Edge, a tree clearing company, funded its growth and found a trusted business advisor by working with Liquid Capital.   Short on time?…
clear cash flow hurdles with invoice factoring

Medal-winning ways to leverage invoice factoring

Some business hurdles are easier to overcome than others, but cash flow related obstacles are sometimes the most difficult to clear. Avoid a false start and reach…
Liquid Capital June Recent Fundings
Drive business results

Drive business results: Rely on your invoice factoring partner for more than just cash

At Liquid Capital, your local Principal is more than just a source of capital — they’re industry and funding experts who want to help you drive business results. When…