Should your business use invoice factoring services?

Leveraging invoice factoring services from a trusted funding partner can help support your growth. Find out if this alternative funding solution is right for your…

How can invoice factoring companies help fund your growth?

Running a business is stressful. Funding your business growth shouldn’t be. Read how invoice factoring companies can help you achieve your goals! Being…

Top 4 things to consider when choosing your invoice factoring partner

If you’ve decided that invoice factoring is the solution for your cash flow needs, here are the first 4 things you should consider when choosing a factoring partner. When…
Seasonal manufacturing - Workers in plant

Seasonal manufacturing can leverage factoring to weather any storm

Running a seasonal manufacturing business isn’t for everyone. You likely experience an overwhelming rush of demand one part of the year, and a sort of peace…
how invoice factoring works

Refresher: What is invoice factoring and how does it work?

Invoice factoring is a type of financing available to businesses that sell to other businesses on account — invoicing clients, usually with 30, 60 or 90-day…
clear cash flow hurdles with invoice factoring

Medal-winning ways to leverage invoice factoring

Some business hurdles are easier to overcome than others, but cash flow related obstacles are sometimes the most difficult to clear. Avoid a false start and reach…
Scaling your business with invoice factoring

Scaling your business with invoice factoring

When you’re scaling your business, invoice factoring should be part of your growth plan. Cash flow. It’s often referred to as the “lifeblood” of a…
Invoice factoring vs. bank loan - deal

Invoice factoring vs. bank loans: Which cash flow boost do I need?

If you're looking for a bank loan, line of credit or traditional funding option (but might not even be able to qualify), there are other options. When comparing…
Invoice factoring vs. bank loans

Invoice factoring vs. bank loans: Which lending option is better for your business?

When looking at the various funding options, you may review invoice factoring vs. bank loans. Here is a quick and handy comparison. If your business needs…

6 comparisons between invoice factoring and cash advances

Contrary to what some might think, invoice factoring and cash advances have 6 key differences. The first thing to consider when looking for financing is to…