Entradas de] Sarah Schoepfer

Lost business funding? 4 tips to quickly recover.

Take these steps to keep your company running if you have lost business funding from your bank.  Few events are more unsettling for a business owner than losing the financial support of their bank or lending institution. Yet, part of being a resilient business leader is tackling sudden changes and coming out on top.  As […]

3 more warning signs of a business downturn

Is a business downturn on the way? Spot these signs and then take action immediately. Ups and downs are part of business life. A short-term slump doesn’t always signify an impending disaster. Even so, if a slump lasts for several months, there could be a larger challenge on the horizon.  We’ve already seen five warning […]

Canales YouTube para empresarios que no se puede perder

Haga a un lado a Netflix: Los profesionales ocupados deben ver estos canales YouTube Y el premio va para… Canales YouTube para profesionales ocupados ¿Sus programas de televisión favoritos están interrumpidos durante el verano? ¿Está buscando mantenerse al día en las últimas noticias y tendencias? ¿Desea continuar con su desarrollo profesional o crecer a nivel […]

Cinco trucos para formar una sociedad de referencias excepcional

Aquí están algunas cualidades importantes que le ayudarán a desarrollar referencias duraderas para expandir su empresa. ¿Usted piensa que el mercadeo «de boca en boca» ha muerto? Se equivoca. Según los estudios realizados por Nielsen, un 92% de los consumidores dicen que confían más en las recomendaciones de personas de su red que en cualquier […]

5 Tips To Grow An Outstanding Referral Partnership

Discover these important qualities that will help you develop lasting referrals to grow your business. Think word-of-mouth marketing is dead? Think again. According to research from Nielsen, 92% of consumers around the world say they trust recommendations from people in their network more than any other source. When applied to your business practices, referral partnerships […]