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Publications par Liquid Capital
Tirez le maximum des avantages que vous offrent les stagiaires
/dans Blogue/par Liquid CapitalTrouver et embaucher des employés productifs est un défi constant pour les entreprises en croissance. Or, la mise en place d’un programme de stages pourrait contribuer au développement de votre effectif. Toutefois, avant de se lancer, il convient de se rappeler des réalités et des obligations liées à une telle pratique, tant pour les stagiaires […]
Profit From The Power Of Interns
/dans Biz Tips/par Liquid CapitalFinding and hiring effective employees is an ongoing challenge for growing companies. Running an internship program may help develop your team. However, before you establish one, keep in mind the realities and commitment for both the interns and the employer. For an intern program to be worthwhile, you need to first decide what legitimate tasks […]
Lendified Holdings Inc. And Liquid Capital Corporation Announce $20 Million Credit Facility To Support Growth Of Its Small Business Lending Activities In Canada
/dans Press/par Liquid CapitalTORONTO, Aug. 16, 2016 /PRNewswire/ – Lendified Holdings Inc. (« Lendified »), a Canadian-based lending technology company offering working capital and related financial services products to the small business community, is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Liquid Capital Corporation (« Liquid Capital« ), a company specializing in providing working capital, asset based lending and trade finance solutions. […]
New Tampa Bay Area Entrepreneur Launches Company to Support Small Business Growth
/dans Press/par Liquid CapitalTAMPA BAY, Fl. (August 9, 2016) – Mark Coyle announced the opening of his Bay Area Liquid Capital business, which offers alternative commercial funding for small and medium-sized businesses in the Bay Area. For smaller startup businesses in dramatic growth phases, and more established companies that may have had a trigger event like the need […]
Le succès par l’exemple : FAQ
/dans Blogue/par Liquid CapitalArticle publié à l’origine dans le magazine In Business (région de Phoenix). Les petites entreprises sont en plein essor en Arizona, notamment dans l’agglomération de Phoenix. Tant l’université d’État de l’Arizona que l’université Grand Canyon enseignent des programmes axés sur la promotion de l’entreprenariat, et de nombreux collèges communautaires du comté de Maricopa sont également actifs […]
8 Tax Deductions You Need To Know Right Now
/dans Cash Flow/par Liquid CapitalCome tax season, everyone should try and get a little something back, and businesses are no exception. Tax deductions won’t save a floundering business from closing up shop – but to the shrewd business owner, they can make the difference between a good year and a great year. Note: The deductions listed below may not […]
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Liquid Capital Enterprises Corp.
5075 Yonge Street, Ste. 700
Toronto, ON M2N 6C6
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Liquid Capital Enterprises Corp.
921 West New Hope Drive,
Suite 702
Cedar Park, TX 78613-6786
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- Si vous élaborez un plan de croissance, pensez à y intégrer l’affacturage de comptes clientsjuin 28, 2021 - 1:39 pm