Entradas de] Mark Glucki

Should I Accept Bitcoin in My Business? (Part 2)

Cryptocurrency & Blockchain: Hype or the New Reality? (Part 2) Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are based on the underlying blockchain technology that comes with safety, anonymity, and a lot of confusion. Read Part 1 of this story to learn what blockchain is all about. Digital currency prices are even more temperamental than the stock market. […]

¿Debo aceptar la Bitcoin en mi empresa? (Segunda parte)

La Bitcoin y otras criptomonedas están basadas en la tecnología subyacente de cadena de bloques, la cual ofrece seguridad, anonimato y mucha confusión. Lea la primera parte de esta historia para saber qué es una cadena de bloques. Los precios de las divisas digitales son aún más fluctuantes que el mercado bursátil. Estos precios pueden […]

Cryptocurrency & Blockchain: Hype or the New Reality? (Part 1)

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum have been on a wild ride in the past couple years, famously reaching sky-high growth and then plummeting without much warning. No doubt, there are skeptics of this novel currency — but there are also countless stories of rich crypto lovers and modern businesses that have taken a chance […]

Want 97% more links to your website? How to blog for business.

The stats seem almost unbelievable… Companies that blog receive a staggering 97% more links to their website and marketers can earn 67% more leads just by blogging. What brand wouldn’t want such an incredible boost? With a solid blog strategy and a little bit of guidance getting started in the right direction, you can blow […]

Su lista de los mejores podcasts comerciales

Si usted no escucha podcasts, puede que se esté perdiendo de algo. Estos programas de audio en línea se han convertido en la mejor forma de mantenerse al tanto del mundo de los negocios y son, incluso, entretenidamente adictivos. ¿Necesita más pruebas? 44 % de las personas han escuchado un podcast, y aproximadamente 26 % los escuchan […]

How to listen to podcasts

Photo Credit: Gavin Whitner Podcasts are an undeniable trend seeing rapid growth in the business world. Over 42 million people listen to these online shows every week in the United States, and with a 10 to 20 per cent increase in listeners every year, that number is set to skyrocket. Couple that with the over 550,000 podcast options […]

Cómo escuchar podcasts

Autor de la Foto: Gavin Whitner Los podcasts son sin lugar a duda una tendencia que ha venido expandiéndose rápidamente en el mundo de los negocios. Más de 42 millones de personas escuchan estos programas en línea semanalmente en los Estados Unidos, y con un aumento del 10 al 20 por ciento del número de oyentes cada año, esa […]

11 online tools for creative entrepreneurs

A successful company is built by hard-working entrepreneurs that know their business inside and out — and it always helps to have a little creativity on your side. When it comes to online tools, there are some incredibly useful options to get the job done — whether those are used for sales prospecting, project management, […]