
Re-engage your contacts in the new virtual world

Now is the perfect time to re-engage your contacts and develop new ones!


Due to the global pandemic, a new virtual world has developed, growing organically from the need for social distancing and remote work. However, we have also had to put a temporary hold on most traditional networking events, in-person meetings and even simple coffee get-togethers. 

Whether or not you’re a fan of networking, this has led to many business professionals becoming disengaged from their professional contacts. But this can be a critical—and avoidable—business error.

While we aren’t able to easily connect in-person, how can you keep in touch with your professional contacts? Here are three tips to get you started:

1. Get active on social

The key to being successful at virtual networking is to focus on the platforms where your contacts are most active and make those your priority. But don’t make the mistake of spreading yourself too thin. To follow an effective plan, the key is quality over quantity.

If you don’t already have a premium LinkedIn account, now’s the time to make the investment. LinkedIn premium accounts are offered at four tiers, so you can select one that fits your needs and budget. There are often 30-day free trials available if you’re still unsure about committing to a monthly subscription. If you have included other digital platforms (such as Twitter or message boards) in your virtual networking plan, look into upgrading your account to a premium subscription as well.

2. Participate in virtual networking events

Keep your ear to the ground for the opportunity to participate in virtual networking events such as virtual coffee chats or meetups, industry-specific webinars and online training or workshops. 

Can’t find any that meet your networking needs? Then start your own! Reach out to your close network and offer to organize a virtual networking event. Then encourage your contacts to invite two to three of their contacts to the event to help bring fresh ideas and faces to the event.

3. Don’t cancel your booked conferences

It may be tempting to cancel any in-person conferences you had booked, especially with current travel restrictions in place. But hold onto those conference tickets! With many conferences moving to a virtual model, you may miss out on a great opportunity to access valuable information and knowledge that you can share with your network.

Many virtual conferences are also providing on-demand content, which allows you to access panels, seminars and keynote speakers’ when you want. With this increase in flexibility for accessing conference content, you may even find it easier than ever before to share what you’ve learned with your network.

Up Next: Ready to create a virtual networking strategy that allows you to re-engage your contacts? Get started with our four-step process.

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