Publications par Sarah Schoepfer

Avoid these pitfalls of expanding too fast

Growth is exciting, but there could be unforeseen issues that pop up when your business is expanding too fast. Here’s what to avoid. You’ve beaten the odds and despite current market conditions, your business is experiencing accelerated growth. This is a dream scenario and it’s an exciting milestone to see the signs of growth after […]

Lost business funding? 4 tips to quickly recover.

Take these steps to keep your company running if you have lost business funding from your bank.  Few events are more unsettling for a business owner than losing the financial support of their bank or lending institution. Yet, part of being a resilient business leader is tackling sudden changes and coming out on top.  As […]

3 more warning signs of a business downturn

Is a business downturn on the way? Spot these signs and then take action immediately. Ups and downs are part of business life. A short-term slump doesn’t always signify an impending disaster. Even so, if a slump lasts for several months, there could be a larger challenge on the horizon.  We’ve already seen five warning […]

YouTube for business: Must-watch channels for busy professionals

Move over Netflix: Use YouTube for business to access educational content, inspiring personalities and financial news that can move your organization forward. Are your favorite television shows on hiatus for the summer? Are you looking to stay up-to-date on all the latest business news and trends? Want to continue your professional development or grow personally […]

Les meilleurs choix de chaînes YouTube pour les professionnels du monde des affaires

Professionnels occupés du monde des affaires, ne perdez pas votre temps sur Netflix…Les meilleures dans leur catégorie : des chaînes YouTube incontournables pour les professionnels occupés! Vos émissions de télé préférées font-elles relâche pour l’été? Cherchez-vous à vous tenir au courant des dernières nouvelles et tendances du monde des affaires? Ou peut-être souhaitez-vous poursuivre votre développement […]

Cinq conseils pour mettre en place un partenariat de référence fructueux

Voici quelques qualités importantes qui vous aideront à développer des références durables pour faire croître votre entreprise. Vous croyez que le bouche-à-oreille est mort? Voilà qui reste à voir. En effet, selon la firme de recherche Nielsen, 92 % des consommateurs partout dans le monde disent faire confiance aux recommandations des membres de leur réseau […]

5 Tips To Grow An Outstanding Referral Partnership

Discover these important qualities that will help you develop lasting referrals to grow your business. Think word-of-mouth marketing is dead? Think again. According to research from Nielsen, 92% of consumers around the world say they trust recommendations from people in their network more than any other source. When applied to your business practices, referral partnerships […]