Publications par Liquid Capital

2018 Business Gift Guide

It’s the holiday season, and everyone’s searching for the perfect gift — whether to thank clients for their business, recognize staff for their hard work, or maybe even to stand out from the competition and win new business. If you’re still searching, try one of the memorable ideas from these lists curated by the experts. […]

Guide des cadeaux d’affaires 2018

Le temps des Fêtes est à nos portes, et tout le monde est à la recherche du cadeau parfait – que ce soit pour remercier les clients de l’entreprise, reconnaître le travail acharné du personnel ou peut-être même pour se démarquer de la concurrence et décrocher ainsi de nouveaux clients. À court d’idées pour un […]

Is crowdfunding the best option for raising capital?

If you’re considering launching a new product, solution or next-gen business idea, you might have heard that crowdfunding could be a unique way to garner attention and raise capital. But is crowdfunding the most effective way to get you the necessary funds, and are there potential shortcomings that you should know about in advance? How […]