Entradas de] Lucy Reed, Guest Author

5 tips to reduce business debt

Nothing puts a stop faster to business growth than a company in poor financial standings. If you (or your client) need to reduce business debt, start with these top tips. Growing businesses need to have ample access to working capital, but carrying debt is a problem that holds many companies back. According to USA Today, […]

Smart ways to set up a more productive home office space

How every professional can create a productive home office space — whether you work primarily from home, at an office downtown or always on-the-go. Workspaces come in all variations these days. Bustling buildings, cubicles, corner offices, city views, swanky loft spaces (complete with foosball tables), manufacturing plants, and even co-working spaces with a different setting […]

Tips to set your B2B company apart from the rest

How to differentiate your B2B company… As a competitor in the business-to-business (B2B) world, you already have a leg up from your typical consumer-based business. B2B entrepreneurs provide products, services and solutions that keep other businesses afloat — and that puts you in an extremely valuable role. So how do you make sure you become […]

Estrategias sociales inteligentes que mantienen a sus clientes regresando

Imagen cortesía de Pexels Más de 50% de los clientes desaparecen permanentemente luego de una sola mala experiencia. Eso representa bastante presión para hacer que cada interacción cuente, especialmente cuando se ha establecido un umbral tan alto y que las expectativas de la gente aumentan constantemente. Además, con las nuevas plataformas en línea, a saber, […]