Publications par Liquid Capital

Trois signes avant-coureurs supplémentaires qu’un problème se profile à l’horizon

Les hauts et les bas font partie des affaires. Un ralentissement à court terme ne signifie pas toujours qu’une catastrophe est imminente. Malgré tout, si le ralentissement dure plusieurs mois, un problème plus important se profile peut-être à l’horizon. Nous avons déjà couvert cinq signes avant-coureurs que vos affaires ne vont pas bien, alors examinons […]

5 warning signs that your business is failing

Businesses generally don’t fail overnight. There are warning signs that a business is struggling long before the situation becomes critical. If you can spot these signs early enough, you’ll be able to take steps to mitigate – and hopefully reverse – the decline. Ignoring these signs may lead to passing the point of no return.  […]

Cinq signes avant-coureurs que vos affaires ne vont pas bien

                  Voici donc cinq signes avant-coureurs que vos affaires ne vont pas bien. 1. Vous ne surveillez pas vos activités de près. Il faut parfois du temps pour qu’une baisse des ventes se manifeste dans les comptes et les flux de trésorerie. De plus, les contrats courants […]

Credit Facility Obtained For $47,500,000 USD From CIBC

Toronto, Ontario (October 2019) – Next Edge Capital Corp. (“Next Edge Capital”) is pleased to announce the closing of a revolving credit facility for $47,500,000 USD with CIBC Bank USA¹ and NELI Canada LP², a special purpose funding vehicle utilized by the Next Edge Private Debt Fund (the “Fund”). Next Edge Capital is an alternative investment […]

Garrington Group of Companies Finalizes Purchase of the assets of Liquid Capital Corporation

TORONTO, October 2019 – The Garrington Group of Companies (Garrington) are pleased to announce the purchase of the assets of Liquid Capital Corp. via the Garrington subsidiary Liquid Capital Enterprises (Liquid Capital.) This purchase includes the shares of both Liquid Capital Exchange Inc. and Liquid Capital Exchange Corp. as well as the franchise agreements governing […]