Est-ce que mon entreprise se qualifie pour l’affacturage des comptes clients?
Lorsque la banque vous refuse un prêt, vous avez quand même d’autres options à votre portée. Ainsi, l’affacturage des comptes clients pourrait vous donner…

Silani Cheese
Les fromages se vendent tout seuls, mais les entreprises ont parfois besoin d’aide
Les bons fromages se vendent effectivement tout seuls; ils n’ont pas besoin…

Liquid Capital hires Sergio Mindreau as Director, Credit Risk
Strengthening the credit and risk department of expanding finance company.
TORONTO, ON – Liquid Capital is pleased to announce its recent hire of Sergio Mindreau,…

Why Airbnb recommends you should fail often
And how to use failure as a guidepost.
At a recent business conference, a young professional walked on stage to deliver the final keynote. With confidence,…

Pourquoi Airbnb recommande de fréquents échecs
Comment utiliser l’échec comme une boussole.
Lors d’une récente conférence d’affaires, un jeune professionnel est monté sur le podium pour prononcer…

Reduce Wasteful Spending
I thought reducing wasteful spending in your business is always a good thing…right?
I’m always surprised at the response from business owners when I suggest…

Debt or Equity which is a Better Decision?
You are a business owner, you need cash. What else is new?
When considering the options, traditional personal financing wisdom always suggests avoiding debt.…

Why Isn’t My Business Making Any Money?
If Plan A is not working, do you have a Plan B or are you looking at a blank page and hoping for inspiration?
Your business should be actively managed every…

It does not have to end this way
Many small business owners and start-up entrepreneurs get overwhelmed with what they have to do. One of the leading indicators for a failing business is the…