Business growth plan and invoice factoring

Si vous élaborez un plan de croissance, pensez à y intégrer l’affacturage de comptes clients

L’affacturage ne doit pas être considéré comme une solution de dernier recours. Il s’agit plutôt d’une solution de financement de rechange puissante qui…
clear cash flow hurdles with invoice factoring

Medal-winning ways to leverage invoice factoring

Some business hurdles are easier to overcome than others, but cash flow related obstacles are sometimes the most difficult to clear. Avoid a false start and reach…
Drive business results

Drive business results: Rely on your invoice factoring partner for more than just cash

At Liquid Capital, your local Principal is more than just a source of capital — they’re industry and funding experts who want to help you drive business results. When…
Pandemic pivot in business

Keep your company’s pandemic pivot from becoming a money pit

Like many companies these days, you may have gone through your own pandemic pivot. Make sure that strategy helps increase revenue, not expenses. Plenty of…
Post-pandemic perspectives - The times they are a-changing

Post-pandemic perspectives: « The Times They are A-Changin »

Bob Dylan's poetic lyrics and timeless melodies have been stitched into modern culture. Although Dylan's 1964 song was not about the business world per se, his words…
Scaling your business with invoice factoring

Scaling your business with invoice factoring

When you’re scaling your business, invoice factoring should be part of your growth plan. Cash flow. It’s often referred to as the “lifeblood” of a…
future business funding - alternative lending

What does the future of business funding look like?

The pandemic has made it more challenging for small and medium-sized businesses to get bank financing — changing the future of business funding.
funding companies

How do you pinpoint amazing funding companies? (Hint: It’s the people)

Look out for these human-centered characteristics from great funding companies. As a business owner, what do you look for when starting a new partnership…
how to ask for invoice payments

How to ask for invoice payments the right way—and get paid

Your business survival depends on a positive cash flow.  As a business owner, you probably have some favorite clients. Those people you can call up and chat…
non paying customer

43% of companies don’t get paid on time. Here’s how to deal with non-paying customers

Dealing with non-paying customers can be stressful. Use these strategies to manage late payments and maintain a consistent cash flow. If you operate in the…