The Ripple Effect

As I work with companies in a variety of businesses, I generally focus on specific financing needs that run the gamut of scenarios; from high growth to high financial stress. My client is focused on addressing the company’s financing needs as it impacts company operations and seizing new business opportunities. At first glance, one could view the impact of acquiring the needed financing more narrowly. However, businesses are multifaceted, and the benefits extend throughout all aspects of the business and beyond, as well as positively impacting the U.S. economy as a whole.

Each party that interacts with a business is its own microcosm that has the same financial and operational needs. Whether it is a supplier, a customer, a building owner, an equipment provider or service provider, each has a vital interest in conducting business with companies that are financially stable and readily able to meet their financial obligations. In doing so, each party in turn can meet their own financial obligations as well.

The most poignant impact of a financially stable company is the ability to retain employees and attract desirable new employees. Every employee has their own set of financial obligations that need to be met. These would include paying their rent or mortgage payment, car payments, food, goods and services etc. Those providers in turn benefit and are able to address the financial and operational need of their business. The effects are felt further and further out into the economy. As in a single stone being thrown into a pond, the ripple effect generated spreads far beyond the point of initial impact. Given that small businesses constitute the vast majority of employers in the U.S., and correspondingly dramatically impact our overall economy, the value of companies having the requisite financing cannot be understated.

An important functional benefit is that when a company’s financing needs have been met, the business owner’s time and attention can be more readily focused on those issues that promote stability and growth versus being preoccupied and distracted with trying to find an answer to a financing shortfall. I have seen time and time again the emotional relief when this critical issue has been addressed.

I would welcome the opportunity to discuss my services with your clients and/or prospects as well as their far-reaching effects throughout their business.